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The damage to the hatch cover was caus

The damage to the hatch cover was caused by your stevedores,and you ought to have known we never()lies.

  • Asay
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  • Ctell
  • Dspeak

1、It’s()that the cargo was damaged by yo

It’s()that the cargo was damaged by your stevedores.AbrightBdistinctCplainDevident

2、I()rather not shift the rice to hatch

I()rather not shift the rice to hatch No.2.AshallBshouldCwouldDhad to

3、The damage was caused()the stevedores.

The damage was caused()the stevedores.AwithBfromConDby

4、Damage()the goods was caused by heavy

Damage()the goods was caused by heavy rain during transit.AofBforConDto

5、The accident has caused damage()the sh

The accident has caused damage()the ship’s hull.AonBinCatDto

6、The above-mentioned damage has caused

The above-mentioned damage has caused from improper fitting so that we () you () for making compensation.Ahold;responsibilityBask;responsibilityChold;responsibleDrequire;responsible