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Some of the TestKing routers have been

Some of the TestKing routers have been configured with default routes. What are some of the advantages of using default routes?()

  • A They establish routes that will never go down.
  • B The keep routing tables small.
  • C They require a great deal of CPU power.
  • D The allow connectivity to remote networks that are not in the routing table.
  • E They direct traffic from the Internet into corporate networks.

1、Having been on the()for the whole mon

Having been on the()for the whole month, the criminal decided to turn himself in to the police.AescapedBcaughtCwayDru

2、Some of you may have finished unit one

Some of you may have finished unit one. _____ , you can go on to unit two.A If you mayB If you doC If notD If so

3、It's one of the best()I have ever been

Its one of the best()I have ever been to.AconcertsBa concertCthe concertDconcert

4、A router has been configured with the

A router has been configured with the commands router os pf 9, network area 8, and network area 9,...

5、There’s been some dirty work with the

There’s been some dirty work with the club accounts and some money is missing.()A俱乐部的帐目有鬼,有些钱不知去向。B俱乐部的帐目有卑鄙的勾当,有些钱...

6、The productsdescribed above have been

The productsdescribed above have been subjected to ( ) treatment ofat least 80ºC for 30 minutes.A freezeB coldC heatD wash