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The Muster List (“Station Bill”) of a

The Muster List (“Station Bill”) of a ship must be signed by the().

  • Aperson in charge
  • BCoast Guard marine inspection officer
  • Ccompany safety director
  • Dentire crew

1、An important part of the skill of list

An important part of the skill of listening is being able to predict what the speaker is going to say next.()A正确B错误

2、The muster list shows each rig hand’s

The muster list shows each rig hand’s muster station,his duties during abandonment,basic instructions,and().Aall emergency signalsBinstructions for lowering the survival craftCthe time each weekly drill will be heldDwork schedule

3、The list of Coast Stations is republis

The list of Coast Stations is republished()in a trilingual.Aevery two yearsBevery three yearsCevery yearDevery four year

4、A continual worsening of the list or t

A continual worsening of the list or trim indicates().Anegative GMBpropressive floodingCstructural failureDan immediate need to ballast

5、While reading the muster list, you see

While reading the muster list, you see that "three short blasts on the ships whistle and the same signal on the general alarm bells" is the signal for ().Aabandon shipBdismissal from drillsCfire and emergencyDman overboard

6、If the cause of a sudden severe list i

If the cause of a sudden severe list is negative initial stability,counterflooding into empty tanks may().Aincrease the righting momentBcause a...