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The young lady coming over to us()our

The young lady coming over to us()our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!

  • Amust be
  • Bcan be
  • Cwould be
  • Dcould be

1、Could you come()to the&


2、Our teacher told us the sun ____ in th

Our teacher told us the sun ____ in the east .A riseB roseC risingD rises

3、—Will you come to the party this weeke

—Will you come to the party this weekend?—______.A With pleasureB My pleasureC Its my pleasureD A pleasure

4、“When I was young,I listen to the radi

“When I was young,I listen to the radio”歌名是什么?

5、Speaker A: Want to come over Thursday

Speaker A: Want to come over Thursday for supper? Speaker B:()AI really can't. You'll not mind, I thinkBLet's put it off till laterCThanks, but I have to work that eveningDNo, I don't want to

6、Our clients asked us to bring down our

Our clients asked us to bring down our prices because they consider them()。AonthehighsideBoutoflinewithCarerunninghighDbetoohigh