可学答题网 > 问答 > 各种英文业务电报、电传、传真、电子邮件等题库
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I saw your man not operating the winch

I saw your man not operating the winch gear()gear.

  • Ain
  • Bby
  • Cof
  • Dagainst

1、I()rather not shift the rice to hatch

I()rather not shift the rice to hatch No.2.AshallBshouldCwouldDhad to

2、Now that the valve is not worth (), I

Now that the valve is not worth (), I suggest it ().Ato repair;to renewBrepairing;be renewedCrepairing;will be renewedDto repair;to be renewed

3、I saw the cargo surveyor()the cargo on

I saw the cargo surveyor()the cargo on deck just a minute ago.AexamineBto examineCbeing examinedDexamining

4、The man()you saw yesterday is my Chief

The man()you saw yesterday is my Chief Officer.AwhoBwhomCwhatDwhose

5、I saw a ship stop at a(). Which of the

I saw a ship stop at a(). Which of the following is not correct?AdeckBharbourCpierDport

6、()your help, I could not have finished

()your help, I could not have finished my work so early.AwithBbyCforDwithout