目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

7.This is ________pen._________penis n

7.This is ________pen._________penis nice.

  • A a,The
  • B the ;A
  • C an ;An
  • D the ;The



1、9. —Your pen is very nice.—_________

9. —Your pen is very nice.—_________A Thanks youB ThankC Thank youD No ,it isnt

2、This students’ phone is_______

This students’ phone is_______Aapproved of by the majorityBdisapproved of by the majorityCrejected by middle school studentsDopposed by the parents of the callers

3、21. This is ________ room. The twin si

21. This is ________ room. The twin sisters like it very much.A Lucys and LilysB Lucys and LilyC Lucy and LilysD Lucy and Lily

4、Is this__________first time you’ve fl

Is this__________first time you’ve flown on__________British Airways?Ame,/Bthe,aCas theD/,a

5、1. —Whose guitar is this?—It ________

1. —Whose guitar is this?—It ________ Alice. She plays the guitar.A might beB must beC can belongD might belong to

6、7. Hi! This is_______ new teacher.____

7. Hi! This is_______ new teacher.__________ name is Linda.A your; MyB his; YourC your ; HerD her; His