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On a ship,a fixed carbon dioxide or ot

On a ship,a fixed carbon dioxide or other approved system must be installed().

  • Awhere oil or chemical drums are stored
  • Bin all battery storage locations
  • Cin paint lockers
  • Din all of the above locatio

1、The fixing of a canceling date on a ch

The fixing of a canceling date on a charter-party merely()warning to the Shipowner that non-arrival by this date may result so as to entitle the Charterer to rescind.AtakesBcomesCgoesDgive

2、Controls for a fixed carbon dioxide sy

Controls for a fixed carbon dioxide system shall be mounted().Adirectly outside the space protected by the systemBas near the gas cylinders as possibleCin the pilothouseDon the main deck near the bow

3、A person on a fixed or floating platfo

A person on a fixed or floating platform engaged in oil exploration MAY discharge food waste into the sea when the distance from the nearest land is at least().A3 nautical milesB5 nautical milesC12 nautical milesD25 nautical mile

4、When using carbon dioxide to fight a f

When using carbon dioxide to fight a fire on a bulkhead,the CO2 should be applied().Afirst to the bottom of the flaming area,sweeping from...

5、A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher has

A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher has been partially discharged, and should be immediately ().Atagged and restowed properly in its rackBweighed...

6、If a fixed foam firefighting system on

If a fixed foam firefighting system on a ship is not of the premix type,a sample of the foam liquid must be tested by().Aa Coast Guard i...