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Ⅱ.完形填空One morning Mr Green is driving(

Ⅱ.完形填空One morning Mr Green is driving(11) the country and (12) a small hotel. When he sees an old man (13) 0ne side of the road,he stops his (14) and says to the old man,"l want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know how to get there?""Yes,"the old man answers,"I'll (15) the way."He (16) Mr Green's car,and they drive about twelve miles.(17) they come to a small house,the old man says,"Stop here. "Mr Green stops and (18)the house. "But this isn't the hotel,"he says to the old man. "Right," the old man answers. "This is my house. And I'll tell you the way (19)the hotel, Turn (20) and go back nine miles. Then you can see the hotel. "( )11,

  • Ain
  • Bto
  • Caround
  • Doff

Ⅱ.Il.A【解析】句意为:格林先生开车行驶在乡村。若选择B项中的to,则表示格林先生开车目的是去农村,此时句意与本句后半部分含义不够协调,因下文说的是,格林先生开车在找一个小旅馆。比较合适的意思是格林先生在乡下开着车在找旅馆.C、D 语境不妥,故选A。 ~


1、() driving to work, Mr. Lead usually g

() driving to work, Mr. Lead usually goes to his office downtown by train.AWithoutBInstead ofCIn case ofDIn spite of

2、It seems that living green is easy and

It seems that living green is easy and affordable. A small step masks a big difference.A exactly B fortunately C surprisingly D hardly

3、One day while Mr. King was working, h

One day while Mr. King was working, he had a/an():his left leg was badly injured.AbusinessBaccidentCmatterDevent

4、One day while Mr. King was working, he

One day while Mr. King was working, he had a(an)()and his left leg was badly injured.AbusinessBaccidentCmatterDevent

5、—Is Mr. Green at home ?

—Is Mr. Green at home ?A—No , he _______ Shanghai .BA. has been to has gone to C. is going to

6、This is Mr. Green and this is Mr. Brow

This is Mr. Green and this is Mr. Brown.()AHow do you doBHow are youCFine, thank youDHi, how are you getting o