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Where a time charter-party is wrongful

Where a time charter-party is wrongfully(),the Charterer is entitled to claim damages amounting the difference between the contract rate for the balance of the period of the charter-party and the market rate for the chartering a substitute vessel.

  • Areproduced
  • Brepatriated
  • Crepudiated
  • Drecovered

1、A lecture hall is()where students atte

A lecture hall is()where students attend lectures.AthatBone;Cwhich

2、Where a charter-party specifies the es

Where a charter-party specifies the estimated time of arrival of a vessel at the port of loading,there is()obligation on the shipowners to s...

3、Where a clause in a charter-party stat

Where a clause in a charter-party stated Charterers to have full use of the ship’s gear as on board,it was held()this did not imply that the Charterers were to be responsible for stowage.AwhenBwhereCwhichDthat

4、()is a logistics center where most inb

()is a logistics center where most inbound goods are the whole truckload and most outbound goods are small pieces.ACollecting centerBCollection goods centerCConsolidation centerDDeconsolidation center

5、Where is a typical&#

Where is a typical request in the Cisco UCS XML API placed in the data mana...

6、()is not a type of charter-party.

()is not a type of charter-party.AA voyage charter-partyBA time charter-partyCA charter-party by demiseDThe charter of the United Natio