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Which oil is not suitable for use as s

Which oil is not suitable for use as storm oil?()

  • AFish oil
  • BVegetable oil
  • CMineral oil
  • DAnimal oil

1、It is not advisable to use nylon for a

It is not advisable to use nylon for alongside towing because it().Ais too expensive for everyday towing usageBbinds on the cleatsCparts too readilyDstrethes too much

2、Nylon line is NOT suitable for().

Nylon line is NOT suitable for().AtowingBlashingsCstoppersDmooring line

3、Which vessel is NOT classified as “res

Which vessel is NOT classified as “restricted in her ability to maneuver”? ()AA vessel picking up a navigation markBA vessel transferring ca...

4、Any oil tanker which is not required t

Any oil tanker which is not required to be provided with segregated ballast tanks in accordance with this paragraph may,however,be qualified a...

5、Which lubricating oil additive is used

Which lubricating oil additive is used in diesel engines to reduce the tendency for sludge and varnish to form on the engine parts?()AFlash point improversBPour point improversCInhibitorsDFoam suppressor

6、What is NOT suitable for use in making

What is NOT suitable for use in making up the towing rig for a heavy,long ocean tow?()AChainBRingCSolid thimbleDA fishplate