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Seasickness is caused by rolling or ro

Seasickness is caused by rolling or rocking motions which affect fluids in the().

  • Astomach
  • Blower intestines
  • Cinner ear
  • Dbladder

1、A frontal thunderstorm is caused by().

A frontal thunderstorm is caused by().Apronounced local heatingBwind being pushed up a mountainCa warm air mass rising over a cold air massDan increased lapse rate caused by advection of warm surface air

2、Deviation is caused by().

Deviation is caused by().Achanges in the earth's magnetic fieldBnearby magnetic land masses or mineral depositsCmagnetic influence inherent to that particular vesselDthe magnetic lines of force not coinciding with the lines of longitude

3、Permanent magnetism is caused by().

Permanent magnetism is caused by().Aoperation of electrical equipment and generators on board shipBthe earth's magnetic field affecting the s...

4、Damage caused by lighting,a storm,or a

Damage caused by lighting,a storm,or a sudden gust of wind may be within the exception of ().Aact of GodBthe Queen's enemiesCinherent vice in the goodsDthe negligence of the owner of the good

5、Damage to cargo caused by fumes or vap

Damage to cargo caused by fumes or vapors from liquids,gases,or solids is known as().AcontaminationBoxidationCtaintingDvaporizatio

6、Loss or damage caused by cutting away

Loss or damage caused by cutting away wreck or parts of the ship which have been previously carried away or are effectively lost by accident shall not be made()as general average.AfirmBsureCgoodDfair