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The silk thread found in the hair of a

The silk thread found in the hair of an Egyptian mummy suggests that .

  • A Egyptians had probably travelled to China to buy silk
  • B trade along the Silk Road began earlier than once thought
  • C historical research often achieves fascinating results
  • D new light can now be thrown on ancient trading practices

1、The angular motion of a ship in the at

The angular motion of a ship in the athwart ship is termed().ApitchingByawingCrollingDtracking

2、In the event of a fire, the doors to a

In the event of a fire, the doors to a stair tower must be closed to prevent the spread of fire by ().AconvectionBconductionCradiationDventilatio

3、The designing of a satellite in the h

The designing of a satellite in the heavenly environment is not absolutely an easy job.Aby all meansBby any meansCby every meansDby no means

4、The atmosphere in the vicinity of a hi

The atmosphere in the vicinity of a high pressure area is called a(n)().AanticycloneBcold frontCoccluded frontDcyclone

5、The length of the steering oar in a li

The length of the steering oar in a lifeboat is().Ashorter than the rowing oarsBthe same length as the rowing oarsClonger than the rowing oarsDunrelated to the length of the rowing oar

6、Which of the following can be found in

Which of the following can be found in satiric literature? 阅读材料,回答下面的题目。Satiric LiteraturePerhaps the most striking qualit...