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The teacher would use _to help student

The teacher would use _to help students communicate in teaching speaking.

  • Asubstitution drills
  • Bgroup discussion
  • Clistening and acting
  • Dreading aloud



1、When a teacher asks students to discus

When a teacher asks students to discuss how the writerˊs ideas are organized in the text, he /she intends to develop studentsˊ skill of _...

2、The teacher would use____to help stude

The teacher would use____to help students communicate in teaching speaking.Asubstitution drillsBgroup discussionClistening and actingDreading aloud

3、You use the segment advisor to help d

You use the segment advisor to help determine objects for which space may be reclaimed.Which three statements are true about the advisor given...

4、Which would you NOT use to report the

Which would you NOT use to report the amount of anchor chain out? Three shots().Aat the water's edgeBon deckCon the bottomDwell in the water

5、The teacher can help the students to r

The teacher can help the students to read a text by reading it aloud while they follow in their books.()A正确B错误

6、English teachers often ask students to

English teachers often ask students to__a passage to get the gist of it.AskimBscanCpredictDdescribe