可学答题网 > 问答 > 狭水道、冰区与运河航行题库
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Before entering an ice area,the ship s

Before entering an ice area,the ship should be().

  • Aeither trimmed by the head or the stern
  • Bon an even keel
  • Ctrimmed down by the head
  • Dtrimmed down by the ster

1、Open the ()before starting an air comp

Open the ()before starting an air compressor.Aunload valveBcooling waterCoil cupDsum

2、Before entering the chain locker,you s

Before entering the chain locker,you should().Ahave someone standing byBmake sure there is sufficient air within the lockerCde-energize the windlassDAll of the above

3、Children need to be()before entering s

Children need to be()before entering school.AsocializedBcentralizedCwarned offDcared for

4、When the ship is going to enter into t

When the ship is going to enter into the harbor,()Achange from heavy fuel oil to diesel oil for mail engineBpumping oil bilge waterCchange sea chest form high level one to lower oneDtest emergency generator

5、In the Northern Hemisphere,an area of

In the Northern Hemisphere,an area of counterclockwise wind circulation surrounded by higher pressure is a().AlowBhighCwarm frontDcold front

6、Before starting the turning gear, () s

Before starting the turning gear, () should be worked by hand to minimize corrosive action on the liners.Athe indicatorsBthe starting valvesCthe cylinder lubricatorsDthe turning gear