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Before an auxiliary boiler is shutdown

Before an auxiliary boiler is shutdown for an extended period of time, the water in the boiler should have a pH value of ().

  • A10
  • B7
  • C4
  • D1

1、Auxiliary boilers are divided into sev

Auxiliary boilers are divided into several classifications, one of which is()Afire-tube controlled circulationBfire-tube supercritical circulationCwater-tube natural circulationDwater-tube express circulatio

2、Fuel oil contamination of an auxiliary

Fuel oil contamination of an auxiliary diesel engine lube oil can result in()Aan increased flash pointBhigher lube oil pressuresCan increased viscosityDlower lube oil pressure

3、An operator is asked to shutdown the t

An operator is asked to shutdown the telnet service for security reasons. What are the appropriate commands to achieve this?()A comment out t...

4、An auxiliary reservoir for starting au

An auxiliary reservoir for starting auxiliary engines should be kept at ().Alow pressure at all timesBfull pressure at all timesClow pressure at intermittenceDfull pressure at intermittence

5、In an auxiliary boiler steam and water

In an auxiliary boiler steam and water system, the highest pressure will be in the ().Asteam stop valveBdry pipeCfeedwater systemDgenerating tube

6、If an auxiliary diesel engine frequent

If an auxiliary diesel engine frequently stalls, the trouble may be caused by ()Alow exhaust back pressureBair in the fuel systemCgasket blow-by or leakageDincorrect assembly of idler spring