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During the deck repair,() should be me

During the deck repair,() should be measured firstly before tail shaft is drawn out.

  • Athe sinking of tail shaft
  • Bthe clearance of stern bearing
  • Cthe total flexure of both end bearing
  • Dmain engine crankshaft deflectio

1、No repairs can be done without the har

No repairs can be done without the harbor master’s().AapprovalBauthorizationCconsiderationDdiscussio

2、Every deck officer should be able eff

Every deck officer should be able efficiently carry out:()AA、ConningBB、Navigation/Collision AvoidanceCC、AdministrationDD、Above of all

3、The Repairer shall be relieved of all

The Repairer shall be relieved of all obligations under these terms and conditions caused by such all following matters except().Aact of GodBlock-outCstrikeDpaint fire

4、No repairs can be done without the Har

No repairs can be done without the Harbor Master’s().AapprovalBauthorizationCconsiderationDdiscussio

5、A qualified deck officer should be()th

A qualified deck officer should be()the watch.Ain charge ofBarrangedCdecided toDthe depth of

6、During the dock repair, when installin

During the dock repair, when installing the tail shaft and propeller, who should be on the spot to supervise?()Achief engineerBthe engineerCcaptainDany member of the engine department