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()should ensure that adequate measures

()should ensure that adequate measures are taken to prevent alcohol and drugs from impairing the ability of watchkeeping personnel.

  • AThe quarantine officers
  • BAdministrations
  • CThe immigration officers
  • DThe customs officer

1、The Company should ensure that the shi

The Company should ensure that the ship’s personnel are able to () effectively in the execution of their duties related to the SMS.AcommunicateBverifyCauditDevaluate

2、Mariners should ensure correct()of aid

Mariners should ensure correct()of aids to navigation during twilight periods when some lighted aids to navigation are lit while others are not.AidentificationBdistinctionCdiscriminationDclearly seeing

3、After ensuring that the () is correct

After ensuring that the () is correct the bearing clearance should be checked.AnapBgapCnipDdeflectio

4、The SMS should provide for () ensuring

The SMS should provide for () ensuring that the Companys organization can respond at any time to hazards, accidents and emergency situation involving its ships.AprogramsBprogressCmembersDmeasure

5、Official draft measurements should be(

Official draft measurements should be()by authorized persons,agreed by both parties involved.AexecutedBlocatedCfixedDmeasured

6、Which measure should NOT be taken to r

Which measure should NOT be taken to reduce the pounding of a vessel in a head sea?()AAdd ballast in the afterpeakBAdd ballast forwardCAlter courseDReduce speed