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Please()to get there on time.

Please()to get there on time.

  • Amake effort
  • Bmake efforts
  • Cmake the efforts
  • Dmake an effort

1、There is no danger. Please keep().

There is no danger. Please keep().AcalmBsilentCquietDpeaceful

2、Please stop getting()me and I have don

Please stop getting()me and I have done nothing wrong.AonBatCoverDoff

3、Measles(麻疹)()a long time to get over.

Measles(麻疹)()a long time to get over.AspendBspendsCtakeDtake

4、Please get into touch()the Foreman.

Please get into touch()the Foreman.AatBforCwithDabout

5、Foreman,the ship(),please get the stev

Foreman,the ship(),please get the stevedores to fill the port wings with heavier packages.Alists to starboardBis shifting to starboardCis inclined to starboardDis listing to starboard

6、The work()by the time you get there.

The work()by the time you get there.Awill have been doneBwas doneChad been doneDhas done