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The fuel oil supply system to an autom

The fuel oil supply system to an automatic auxiliary boiler, will automatically shutdown if the boiler ()

  • Asteam demand is high
  • Bsalinity is high
  • Csafety valve simmers
  • Dburner flame is extinguished

1、In a typical fuel system, the oil is s

In a typical fuel system, the oil is stored in () in the double bottom.Asetting tanksBservice tanksCtanksDdrain tank

2、Dirt in the fuel oil system of a diese

Dirt in the fuel oil system of a diesel engine can cause ().Aclogged filtersBpoor combustionCoverloading of the dieselDshock of fuel line

3、Oil is supplied to the crosshead using

Oil is supplied to the crosshead using a swinging arm or a () and is sometimes boosted in pressure to and efficient lubrication.Atelescopic pipeBlarge bore pipeCgenerating pipeDcentral pipe

4、The requirement to carry an Oil Record

The requirement to carry an Oil Record Book does not apply to a ship that().Ais not equipped to discharge overboard any oil or oily mixture...

5、The fuel oil system for a diesel engin

The fuel oil system for a diesel engine can be considered in two parts--the fuel supply and the () systems.Afuel treatmentBfuel combustionCfuel injectionDfuel separating

6、In a typical fuel oil system, the oil

In a typical fuel oil system, the oil is stored in tanks in the double bottom from which it is pumped to () and heated.Aa service tankBa collecting tankCa sumpDa settling tank