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The vapors given off by heated fuel oi

The vapors given off by heated fuel oil are heavier than air and are().

  • Aodorless
  • Bexplosive
  • Cnontoxic
  • Dvisible

1、The heat identified by only a change i

The heat identified by only a change in temperature is known as ().Asensible heatBlatent heatCtotal heatDresidual heat

2、If the diesel fuel vapors present are

If the diesel fuel vapors present are within the flammable range ().Athe vapor air mixture is too rich to burnBan explosion may occur if a...

3、The vapors given off by heated fuel oi

The vapors given off by heated fuel oil are flammable, explosive, and ()Alighter than airBheavier than airCodorlessDnontoxic

4、The heat generated by a fire will be t

The heat generated by a fire will be transferred through a bulkhead or dock, as a result of ().AconductionBradiationCconvectionDadvectio

5、The amount of fuel delivered by a unit

The amount of fuel delivered by a unit injector is controlled by the ()AcamshaftBmain springCrack positionDnozzle orifice size

6、The latent heat of water vapor in air

The latent heat of water vapor in air is dependent upon the ()Adry bulb temperatureBwet bulb temperatureCdew pointDdry point