可学答题网 > 问答 > 常规海事声明与延伸海事声明题库
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A sign of thunderstorm development is

A sign of thunderstorm development is a cumulus cloud().

  • Adarkening,growing in size and forming an anvil top
  • Bthat shows extensive vertical development
  • Ccreating cold downdrafts that are felt on the ground
  • DAll of the above

1、Why is a warning sign displayed at the

Why is a warning sign displayed at the gangway or access point of a barge during cargo transfer().ATo keep visitors away from the bargeBTo prohibit smokingCTo prohibit open lightsDAll of the above

2、A frontal thunderstorm is caused by().

A frontal thunderstorm is caused by().Apronounced local heatingBwind being pushed up a mountainCa warm air mass rising over a cold air massDan increased lapse rate caused by advection of warm surface air

3、A developer is creating a class Book

A developer is creating a class Book that needs to access class Paper.The Paper class is deployed in a JARnamedmyLib.jar.Whichthree,taken indepe...

4、Technology is to the development of th

Technology is to the development of the modern society a matter of()importance.AdepressingBcompellingCsuppressingDsupreme

5、A developer is designi

A developer is designing a web application which extensively uses EJBs and JMS. The developer&e...

6、A developer is designi

A developer is designing the presentation tier for a web application that relies on a comp...