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Underway vessels shall at all time mai

Underway vessels shall at all time maintain a proper look-out().

  • Aby sight and hearing only
  • Bby all available means besides sight and hearing
  • Cby all available means except sight and hearing
  • Dby none of above mea

1、Every vessel should at all times proce

Every vessel should at all times proceed at a safe speed. Safe speed is defined as that speed where().Ayou can stop within your visibility ...

2、Vessel underway means that a vessel is

Vessel underway means that a vessel is().Aon the wayBat anchorCmade fast to a terminalDmoving against water

3、Every vessel shall at all times procee

Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can().Atake proper and effective action to avoid collisionBbe stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditionsCneither A nor BDboth A and B

4、Underway at night,a vessel displaying

Underway at night,a vessel displaying the lights shown is().AEngaged in fishingBMine sweepingCA pilot boatDUnder sail

5、A vessel()when underway shall so far a

A vessel()when underway shall so far as possible,keep out of the way of a vessel not under command.Ahaving engaged in fishingBengaging in fishingCengaged in fishDengaged in fishing

6、All vessels at mooring()move to the sh

All vessels at mooring()move to the sheltered anchorage.AmustBhave toCmust be