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At 0230 on 13 August,you are at mile 6

At 0230 on 13 August,you are at mile 610.5 AHP when you see about a mile ahead lights on the water near the left bank. What might you see when you come abreast of these lights? ()

  • APrivately maintained buoys at a yacht club
  • BGovernment buoys marking the Hurricane Point dikes
  • CBarges moored at the Dennis Landing Terminal
  • DA pipeline discharging dredge spoil

1、You are a network technician at TestK

You are a network technician at TestKing, Inc. You are currently troubleshooting a routing issue on the Testking1 router. You issue the show i...

2、You are the network administrator at T

You are the network administrator at TestKing. You need to perform password recovery on Router TK1. What must you modify in the password recovery process?()A Configuration registerB NVRAMC Boot flashD CMOSE Flash

3、You are the network administrator at

You are the network administrator at TestKing. TestKing has been provided withthe network address The TestKing CEO wants to know...

4、You are underway at 5 knots and see on

You are underway at 5 knots and see on your radar a contact 10 miles directly astern of you. 12 minutes later,the contact is 8 miles directly astern of you. What is the estimated speed of the contact? ()ADead in the waterB1 knotC10 knotsD15 knot

5、While on watch at sea you must maintai

While on watch at sea you must maintain a proper lookout at all times. On a 700-foot cargo vessel being hand-steered during daylight hours in...

6、At 1810,you sight a buoy on your starb

At 1810,you sight a buoy on your starboard side labeled “19”. This buoy marks().Athe side of York Spit ChannelBthe visibility limit of the...