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The air spaces in the floor of an infl

The air spaces in the floor of an inflatable liferaft will provide protection against().

  • Aasphyxiation from CO2
  • Bloss of air in the sides of the raft
  • Crough seas
  • Dcold water temperature

1、Air trapped in the hydraulic fluid of

Air trapped in the hydraulic fluid of a steering system may be indicated by()Athe steering pumps overspeedingBa jammed open relief valeCa constantly occurring improper rudder responseDexcessive ram pressure

2、Air trapped in the hydraulic fluid of

Air trapped in the hydraulic fluid of a steering system would be indicated by()Aan improper rudder responseBhammering noises in the equipment or transmission linesCpopping or sputtering noisesDall the above

3、An increase in the air inlet manifold

An increase in the air inlet manifold pressure of a diesel engine will result in a/an ().Adecrease in maximum cylinder pressureBincrease in ignition lagCdecrease in fuel consumption per horsepower-hourDdecrease in exhaust manifold pressure

4、The compressor in an air-cooled conden

The compressor in an air-cooled condensing refrigeration system is short cycling on the high pressure cutout switch()Asystem is overcharged with...

5、The main distribution duct in an air c

The main distribution duct in an air conditioning system which contains the cooling coils and filters is called the()AmanifoldBcondenserCchamberDplenum

6、The purpose of an air compressor unloa

The purpose of an air compressor unloading device is to ()Adrain water from the air receiverBdrain water from the cylindersCdelay the compression process until the motor is up to speedDcheck pump alignment