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The treatment of the fuel oils involve

The treatment of the fuel oils involves storage, heating, filtering and()

  • Acentrifuging
  • Bpressurizing
  • Catomization
  • Digniting

1、The burning of fuel oil in a diesel en

The burning of fuel oil in a diesel engine having a high sodium content, will cause ()Acorrosion and grooving of exhaust valvesBcorrosion and...

2、Dirt in the fuel oil system of a diese

Dirt in the fuel oil system of a diesel engine can cause ().Aclogged filtersBpoor combustionCoverloading of the dieselDshock of fuel line

3、The ash content of a fuel oil is signi

The ash content of a fuel oil is significant to the operating engineer because it ()Ais an indication of the amount of noncombustible materi...

4、Improper maintenance of the fuel oil b

Improper maintenance of the fuel oil burners in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler, could result in ()Aincreased fuel consumptionBincreased feed water consumptionCfuel pump failureDcombustion control system failure

5、The quality of the fuel oil and lube o

The quality of the fuel oil and lube oil (), Im afraid.Ahas much to do with the operation of the engine and its lifeBhave much to do wit...

6、Which of the following fuel oil charac

Which of the following fuel oil characteristics establishes the danger point when transferring, pumping, and firing procedures are concerned?()AFire pointBFlash pointCSpecific gravityDviscosity