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The lengthening of a crack formed in t

The lengthening of a crack formed in the shell plating of a ship may be prevented by ().

  • Awelding brackets across both ends of the crack
  • Bchipping out and slot welding the entire crack
  • Cdrilling a hole at each end of the crack
  • Dcutting a square notch at each end of the crack

1、Which of the following is not a form o

Which of the following is not a form of precipitation?()ArainBfrostCsleetDsnow

2、Small crack in the crankshaft bearing

Small crack in the crankshaft bearing surface of a diesel engine are an indication of()Acorrosion frettingBinsufficient lubricationCabnormal wearDfatigue failure

3、The type of joint formed when a third

The type of joint formed when a third small plate is riveted over two plates butted together is called a().Abutted jointBlap jointCstrap jointDstringer joint

4、Sludge may form in the crankcase of an

Sludge may form in the crankcase of an air conditioning compressor as a result of ().Abubbling refrigerantBoverheating and oxidationClowered operating temperaturesDreducing the cloud or flash point

5、The vertical movement of a vessel in t

The vertical movement of a vessel in the water is called().ApitchBswayCheaveDroll

6、In the absence of exceptions clauses,t

In the absence of exceptions clauses,there is()obligation to supply a cargo of the contractual description and quantity.Aa conditionalBan absoluteCa considerableDa substantial