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Reducing the liquid free surfaces in a

Reducing the liquid free surfaces in a vessel reduces the().

  • Aroll period
  • Bmetacentric height
  • Cwaterplane area
  • Dvessel's draft

1、In the process of (), liquid changes i

In the process of (), liquid changes into gas.AevaporationBfrostingCcondensingDcompressing

2、A pressure drop in the liquid line of

A pressure drop in the liquid line of a refrigeration system may cause()Athe solenoid valve to seizeBthe compressor to huntCflash gas to form in the liquid lineDthe expansion valve to freeze ope

3、The existence of liquids in partially

The existence of liquids in partially full tanks or compartments of a ship causes a virtual rise in the height of the().AmetacenterBcenter of buoyancyCcenter of flotationDcenter of gravity

4、Reducing free surfaces has the effect

Reducing free surfaces has the effect of lowering the().Auncorrected KGBvirtual height of the center of gravityCmetacenterDmetacentric height

5、Increasing free surfaces has the effec

Increasing free surfaces has the effect of raising the().Auncorrected KGBvirtual height of the center of gravityCmetacenterDmetacentric height

6、To calculate the free surface correcti

To calculate the free surface correction,it is necessary to divide the free-surface moments by the().Atotal weight of liquid loadsBtotal displacementClightweightDdeadweight