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The first paragraph is mainly about __

The first paragraph is mainly about _______.

  • A teenagers’ criticisms on their parents
  • B teenagers’ ability to deal with crises
  • C parents’ dominance over their children
  • D parents’ misunderstandings of their children

1、The passage is mainly about__________

The passage is mainly about__________Aan art museum called the LouvreBan Italian artist named Leonardo da VinciCa king of France named Francis IDthe best—known painting in the Louvre

2、This passage is mainly about______.

This passage is mainly about______.A how Louis Pasteurs friend diedB Louis Pasteurs experience and achievement in curing rabiesC how Louis Pasteurs arm and leg were disabledD Louis Pasteur cured a boy who had been badly bitten by a mad dog

3、The key word in Paragraph 4 is ______.

The key word in Paragraph 4 is ______.A barriersB ignoranceC disabilityD prejudice

4、The second paragraph is mainly about _

The second paragraph is mainly about ______.A international students solve their money problem in different waysB international students cant stud...

5、This pastge is mainly about ______ .

This pastge is mainly about ______ .Athe development of body languageBthe special role humans play in natureCthe power to convey information to othersDthe difference between humans and animals in language use

6、The passage is mainly about______.

The passage is mainly about______.A how individuals can help make a differenceB running a neighborhood meeting to solve its problemsC citizens reactions to the problems they faceD solving problems through group action