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He took the other road to avoid () her

He took the other road to avoid () her.

  • Ameeting
  • Btomeet
  • Cmeet

1、To safeguard the operator and other pe

To safeguard the operator and other personnel working on or near a hoisting operation which of the following precautions should be observed?()...

2、To avoid scavenge fires occurring the

To avoid scavenge fires occurring the engine timing and equipment maintenance ().Ashould be correctly carried outBshould correctly be taken placeCshould carded with careDmust to carry out with great care

3、To avoid damaging the components of a

To avoid damaging the components of a printed circuit board when testing it with a DC volt-ohmmeter, you should ()Aground the boardBavoid reversing the polarity of the leadsCisolate sensitive components with heat sinksDall of the above

4、He took()part in the activity.

He took()part in the activity.Aan activeBa dynamicCa positiveDenergetic

5、If we ___ the other road ,we might hav

If we ___ the other road ,we might have arrived here in time for the meeting.AtakeBhad takenCtookD have taken

6、The father advised her to avoid the mi

The father advised her to avoid the mistake made by many couples of marrying for the wrong reasons()he found the young man charming and intelligent.Aas thoughBeven thoughCbecause ofDdue to