可学答题网 > 问答 > 狭水道、冰区与运河航行题库
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A vessel shall be deemed to be overtak

A vessel shall be deemed to be overtaking when she can see at night().

  • Aonly the sternlight of the vessel
  • Ba sidelight and one masthead light of the vessel
  • Conly a sidelight of the vessel
  • Dany lights except the masthead lights of the vessel

1、When ship at anchor she shall be deeme

When ship at anchor she shall be deemed to be().ANot under-wayBNot under commandCRestricted in her ability to maneuverDA non-displacement shi

2、A vessel would be referred to as tende

A vessel would be referred to as tender when the weight of the cargo is().Aevenly distributed vertically and the double bottoms are fullBconc...

3、In order for a vessel to be engaged in

In order for a vessel to be engaged in fishing she must be().AunderwayBusing gear which extends more than 50 meters outboardCusing a seine of some typeDusing gear which restricts her maneuverability

4、A vessel is found to be seaworthy afte

A vessel is found to be seaworthy after a complaint in writing to the American Consul by the Chief and Second Mates. The cost of the survey is to be paid by the().AAmerican ConsulBChief and Second MatesCVessel's agentDvessel's owner

5、Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight

Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another only when one()from the other.Acan be observed visuallyBcan be observed by radarCcan be located on the radarDcan be heard

6、A vessel would be referred to as tende

A vessel would be referred to as tender when the weight of the cargo is().Aevenly distrubuted vertically and the double bottoms are fullBconc...