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When we use the word()we mean that an

When we use the word()we mean that an idea or theory is being applied: that whatever the teacher does, certain theoretical principles are always borne in mind.


1、We may conclude from the text that .

We may conclude from the text that .A[A] human cloning will not succeed unless the technique is more efficientB[B] scientists are optimistic...

2、We can infer from the passage that the

We can infer from the passage that the water table lies .A between the topsoil layer and the subsoil layerB in the subsoil layer above bedrockC between the subsoil layer and bedrockD in the bedrock layer beneath the subsoil

3、The excavators are()heavy that we have

The excavators are()heavy that we have to use a floating crane to life them.AtooBsoCveryDquite

4、We can learn from the passage that the

We can learn from the passage that the author __________.A thinks it impossible to teach handwritingB does not want to lose handwritingC puts the blame on the computerD does not agree with Florey

5、● We can use the word processor to (74

● We can use the word processor to (74) your documents.(74)A editB computeC translateD unload

6、We have missed the last bus. It means(

We have missed the last bus. It means()to walk over the mountain.Ato haveBhavingCmustDmight