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Access to a cargo pumproom on a tank v

Access to a cargo pumproom on a tank vessel carrying grades A,B,C or D liquid cargoes shall be().

  • Aat least 13.1 feet away from the galleys,living quarters or navigation spaces
  • Bfrom the open deck
  • Conly from areas equipped with power ventilation systems
  • Disolated from any part of the vessel which normally contains sources of vapor ignitio

1、While testing a cargo tank,your oxygen

While testing a cargo tank,your oxygen indicator reads 25% oxygen in the tank. You would then ().Aenter the tank safelyBsuspect the accuracy of the readingCventilate the tankDtest for nitroge

2、Cargo transfer operations on a tanker

Cargo transfer operations on a tanker need NOT be stopped when().Aa tug comes alongside while the tanker is loading grade D and E cargoesBa...

3、Access to a cargo pumproom on a tanker

Access to a cargo pumproom on a tanker carrying grades A,B,C or D liquid cargoes shall be().Aat least 13.1 feet away from the galleys,liv...

4、Cargo transfer operations on a tank ve

Cargo transfer operations on a tank vessel need NOT be stopped when().Aa tug comes alongside while the tanker is loading gradeBand E cargoes...

5、What entry on a dangerous cargo manife

What entry on a dangerous cargo manifest concerning the classification of a cargo is correct? ()AClass 8BClass 3 - flammable liquidCDivision 2.2 - nonflammable gasDAll of the above are correct

6、You are on a containership. The cargo

You are on a containership. The cargo includes a container of small arms ammunition,a container of lead-acid storage batteries and bottles of ...