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The hydraulic oil most likely to thin

The hydraulic oil most likely to thin out when hot and thick when cold would have a viscosity index of()

  • A20
  • B40
  • C60
  • D80

1、The most likely location for a liquid

The most likely location for a liquid cargo fire to occur on a tanker would be().Ain the pumproomBat the vent headerCat the main deck manifoldDthe midships house

2、The most likely time for oil pollution

The most likely time for oil pollution while bunkering is when().Afinal topping off is occurringBfirst starting to receive fuelChoses are being blown downDhoses are disconnected and being capped

3、Which of the following are most likely

Which of the following are most likely to be used as an ASN by a company that has a registered public 16 -bit ASN?()A 1B 65,000C 64,000D 64,550

4、Most troubles likely to occur with mar

Most troubles likely to occur with marine diesel engine can, if located in time, be remedied with no difficulty and many can be ()if the e...

5、The paragraph following will most like

The paragraph following will most likely discuss ________.A[A] the writers intelligent definition of humourB[B] more theories about the mystery of laughterC[C] why there is humourD[D] the mystery of humour

6、The most likely place for a fire to st

The most likely place for a fire to start through the process of spontaneous combustion is in ().Aan electrical switchboardBthe pressure tanksCthe fuel oil tanksDthe oily rag bi