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The most inefficient method of voltage

The most inefficient method of voltage reduction from the stand point of power loss, is a/an ()

  • Acapacitor in series with the load
  • Binductor in series with the load
  • Ccapacitor and inductor in series with the load
  • Dresistor in series with the load

1、Which method of the&

Which method of the Page class searches the page naming container for a server co...

2、Which of the following methods might b

Which of the following methods might be used as the treatment on emulsified oil?()Agravity separationBcentrifugeCCycloneDCross-flow membrane filtratio

3、The output voltage of a three-phase al

The output voltage of a three-phase alternator is regulated by the ().AAC voltage to the armatureBAC voltage to the fieldCDC voltage to the armatureDDC voltage to the field

4、The best method of extinguishing a cla

The best method of extinguishing a class A fire is to ().Aremove oxygen from the areaBsmother fire with foamCsmother fire with CO2Dcool fuel below ignition temperature

5、0f the general methods of stowing bagg

0f the general methods of stowing bagged cargo, which allows maximum ventilation?().ABrick methodBCross tier methodCFull-bag methodDHalf-bag method

6、The () of the semi-built method of the

The () of the semi-built method of the construction crankshaft is that by making the two webs and crankpin from a single forging the grain...