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He was () a box on his shoulder.

He was () a box on his shoulder.

  • Acarrying
  • Bkeeping
  • Cbringing

1、He was a young sailor on his first sea

He was a young sailor on his first sea()AjourneyBtripCtravelDvoyage

2、He was()about his new job.

He was()about his new job.Aover the moonBon the moonCoff the moonDabove the moo

3、With so many eyes ______on him, he was

With so many eyes ______on him, he was too nervous to speak.A fixedB fixingC to fixD being fixed

4、He carried on()after his accident.

He carried on()after his accident.Ato workBworkCworkingDworked

5、His name was just on the________ of my

His name was just on the________ of my tongue,but I just couldn’t remember it.AendBpointCedgeDti

6、He was()about his new job.

He was()about his new job.Aabove the moonBon the moonCover the moo