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That ship anchored too close()my vesse

That ship anchored too close()my vessel.

  • Ain
  • Bto
  • Con
  • Dat

1、The ship which strikes any other vesse

The ship which strikes any other vessel is called the().AShip in the wrongBResponsible vesselCVessel to be responsibleDWrong shi

2、Please()that my ship is ready in every

Please()that my ship is ready in every respect to load her cargo.AadvisedBto be advisedCbe advisedDare advised

3、The Navigation Rules state that a vess

The Navigation Rules state that a vessel shall be operated at a safe speed at all times so that she can be stopped within().Athe distance ...

4、There is a possibility that small vess

There is a possibility that small vessel,ice and other floating objects may not be()by radar at an adequate range.AreflectBshownCdetectedDdefected

5、Duty officer informs us that the vesse

Duty officer informs us that the vessel is out of harbor and in “Full Ahead”We are going to run ().Adiesel oil instead of fuel oilBfuel oil instead of diesel oilCdiesel oil instead fuel oilDfuel oil instead diesel oil

6、At that time my ship and others were()

At that time my ship and others were()within 40 degrees of the compass.AyawingBmovingCturningDpitching