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Each journal and pin should be examine

Each journal and pin should be examined for () and grooving.

  • Abridges
  • Brecesses
  • Crears
  • Dridging

1、Which channel and mode should be used

Which channel and mode should be used when initiating a distress alert transmission().AChannel 6 DSCBChannel 6 RadiotelephonyCChannel 13 Radiotelephony and channel 16 DSCDChannel 70 DSC

2、The fuel pipes and ducts should be blo

The fuel pipes and ducts should be blown with ().AatmosphereBthe fresh waterCcompressed airDchemical compound

3、Each lifeboat must be lowered and mane

Each lifeboat must be lowered and maneuvered in the water at least once every().A2 monthsB3 monthsC4 monthsD5 month

4、The shaft and spare parts() should be

The shaft and spare parts() should be well greased in order to avoid corrosion.Ain the store roomBin the cylinderCin the scavenge air boxDin the water box

5、Wires should have each feature of the

Wires should have each feature of the following except ()Aflame retardantBmoisture resistantCoil resistantDlow conductivity

6、Each lifebuoy shall be marked in block

Each lifebuoy shall be marked in block capitals of the Roman alphabet with()of the ship.Athe call sign and nameBthe official number and nameCthe port of registry and nameDthe port of registry and official number