目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

The way the guests ___ in the hotel in

The way the guests ___ in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the service.

  • A treated
  • B were treated
  • C would treat
  • D would be treated

1、The two sisters are _____ in many ways

The two sisters are _____ in many ways, not only in appearance but also in temperament.A likeB likelyC alikeD lively

2、The bank is reported ________ in the l

The bank is reported ________ in the local newspaper in broad daylight yesterday.A[A] to be robbedB[B] robbedC[C] to have been robbedD[D] having been robbed

3、12. About_______ of the workers in the

12. About_______ of the workers in the factory were born in the __________.A two- thirds;1970B two- thirds ; 1970sC two-third ; 1970D two-third ; 1970s

4、About ________ of the workers in the f

About ________ of the workers in the factory were born in the ________.Atwo-thirds, 1970 Btwo-thirds, 1970s Ctwo-third,1970 Dtwo-third, 1970s

5、2. — ________ I fill in the check-in f

2. — ________ I fill in the check-in form. right now,sir?—No,you neednt. You can complete it this afternoon.AMayBCanCWouldDMust

6、In the texc the authot expresses_____,

In the texc the authot expresses_____,Ahis concern for his mother’s healthBhis support for drinking Chinese green teaChia surprise at China’s recent devclopmentDhis wonder at the growth of India’s IT industry