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Americans never tell others about thei

Americans never tell others about their weight.

请根据下面短文回答第下面的题目: Weight(体重)is one of the taboo subjects.In America,it is OK,or even good,to be thin but it is an embar-rassment(尴尬)to be overweight.In fact,the thinner you are,the more beautiful you are thought to be You’ll find that most models(模特)are nothing more than skin and bones.A woman who is thin is easy to become popular.Of course,there are lots of people do their best to be thin.They may use all kinds of ways such as doing exercise.0r dieting(节食).But,sometimes,dieting may bring about some healthy problem5·Americans are very careful about their weight and most of the time they do not tell others how much they weigh…even if they are quite thin.Therefore,you’d better not ask about it. But if you really want to talk about this subject,it,s always safer to say,“0h,it looks like you have lost weight,”However,if you would like to be honest and polite.I suggest that you should choose your words carefully,perhaps by sayin9,“Hey,You look great. Very healthy looking.”And always remember,you can not use the word “fat”.Those thin women are more popular than those fat women.
  • ARight.
  • BWrong.
  • CDoesn’t Say.

B【题型】细节题 【解析】文章第二段是说“…most of the time they do not tell others how much they weigh”。而题目说得太绝对,说从来不说,故错误。


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