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A piece of small stuff (small line) se

A piece of small stuff (small line) secured to an object to prevent it from going adrift is a().

  • Alanyard
  • Bkeeper
  • Cnoose
  • Dstopper

1、If the circumstances admit,()of small

If the circumstances admit,()of small alteration of course and speed shall not be taken to avoid collision.AdepressionBoppressionCsuccessionDpossessio

2、小能力驼峰 small capacity of hump

小能力驼峰 small capacity of hump

3、The height of eye correction is smalle

The height of eye correction is smaller than geometrical dip because of ().A the angle between the horizontal and the line of sight to the visible horizonB index errorC parallaxD terrestrial refractio

4、In()a small group of Puritans sailed f

In()a small group of Puritans sailed from Plymouth in the Mayflower,and found New Plymouth in America,Britain.s first settlement in the New World.A1614B1615C1620D1621

5、For small angles of inclination,if the

For small angles of inclination,if the KG were equal to the KM,then the vessel would have().Apositive stabilityBnegative stabilityCneutral stabilityDmaximum stability

6、Small droplets of water entrained in t

Small droplets of water entrained in the flashed vapor produced in a flash-type evaporator, are removed by the ()Aspray pipesBdemistersCcondensersDsplash baffle