hearing threshold
1、Port-scan filter是通过设置Timeout和Threshold
Port-scan filter是通过设置Timeout和Threshold等属性值,在统计特性上对扫描攻击进行检测,而不是实行一般的特征匹配。()A正确B错误
2、最大可听阈(maximal auditory threshold)
最大可听阈(maximal auditory threshold)
sensorineural hearing loss
4、I can hear the noise from cars()
I can hear the noise from cars()Ain nightBat nightCat evening
5、The school staff()gathered to hear the
The school staff()gathered to hear the president speak。AisBbeCareDwill
6、Any increment above this threshold rep
Any increment above this threshold represents profit.()A只要超过了这个水平,就可视为赢利。B一旦超过此值,就表示赚钱。C任何高于此阈值的增产量即为利润D只要增产超过此阈值,就算盈利。