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Early indications of the approach of a

Early indications of the approach of a hurricane may be all of the following EXCEPT().

  • Ashort confused swells
  • Bgradually increasing white clouds (mare's tails)
  • Cpumping barometer
  • Dcontinuous fine mist-like rai

1、Which of the following indicates a gra

Which of the following indicates a grave and imminent danger requesting immediate assistance on radio telephone?().ASOSBMaydayCSecuriteDPAN

2、On the approach of a warm front the ba

On the approach of a warm front the barometric pressure usually().AfallsBrisesCis steadyDis unreliable

3、()indicates the weight of the vessel a

()indicates the weight of the vessel and is,therefore,according to a well known principle of physics,equal to the weight of the water it displaces.AGross tonnageBNet tonnageCDisplacement tonnageDDeadweight tonnage

4、The transmission of a()indicates that

The transmission of a()indicates that a ship is in distress and requires immediate assistance.Aurgent trafficBdistress alertCroutine trafficDNAVTEX message

5、The indication of a slipping anchor is

The indication of a slipping anchor is a(n)().Adecrease in mooring line lengthBincrease in the opposite amperageCincrease in the opposite line tensionDdecrease in mooring line tension and amperage

6、Indications of the master gyrocompass

Indications of the master gyrocompass are sent to remote repeaters by the().Afollow-up systemBtransmitterCphantom elementDazimuth motor