可学答题网 > 问答 > 船舶浮性题库,海上货物运输题库
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The waterplane area is described as th

The waterplane area is described as the intersection of the surface of the water in which a vessel floats and the().

  • Abaseline
  • Bvertical reference plane
  • Chull
  • Dhorizontal reference plane

1、()is often described as the music of s

()is often described as the music of speech—the way the voice goes up and down as we speak.

2、In which area of the campus LAN are th

In which area of the campus LAN are the user computers attached to the network?()AcoreBaccessCdistributionDaggregatio

3、A mooring line is described as being 6

A mooring line is described as being 6x24,1-3/4 inch wire rope. What do the above numbersrefer to?()AStrands,yarns,circumferenceBStrands,wires,diameterCWires,yarns,diameterDStrands,circumference,wire

4、A rectangular area is described in deg

A rectangular area is described in degrees of latitude and longitude from the latitude and longitude of the southwest corner of().AsquareBtriangleCcircleDrectangle

5、The total water area is about ______th

The total water area is about ______the land area.A three times as larger asB as three times large asC three times as large asD as large as three times

6、What is defined as an area outside sea

What is defined as an area outside sea areas A1, A2 and A3?AAOR-EBAOR-WCCoastal and inland watersDA4