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The starting air bottle should be pump

The starting air bottle should be pumped up to maximum pressure by the () before start of the engine.

  • Aair compressor
  • Brefrigeration compressor
  • Cvacuum pump
  • Dpurifier

1、When the starting air valve closes on

When the starting air valve closes on one cylinder, another starting air valve has () opened on another cylinder whose piston has just commenced its downward stroke.AjustBnearlyCmerelyDalready

2、The forced draught fan should be start

The forced draught fan should be started and air passed through the furnace for several minutes to “()” it of any exhaust gas or oil vapors.AblowBcleanCscavengeDpurge

3、The starting air entering the cylinder

The starting air entering the cylinder begins when the piston()Ahas nearly come to the TDCBhas just past the TDCChas nearly come to the BDCDhas just past the BDC

4、The air cylinder bottles in the surviv

The air cylinder bottles in the survival craft should be refilled with().AoxygenBnitrogenCcompressed airDnitrogen and oxyge

5、The air compressor pumps air to the().

The air compressor pumps air to the().Aengine cylinderBair bottleCevaporatorDcondenser

6、During (), the starting air valves sho

During (), the starting air valves should be closed to prevent the engine from turning.AoverhaulBrunningCblowing downDAll of the above are correct