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The country was torn apart by strife.

The country was torn apart by strife.  

  • Apoverty
  • Bwar
  • Cconflict
  • Deconomy

译文:这个国家被冲突撕裂了。划线词strife有冲突的意思,例如civil strife国内冲突。war属于迷惑选项,冲突还有到战争的级别,因此意思最为相近的是conflict,有冲突、矛盾的意思,economy是经济的意思。考点近义词辨析


1、It’s()that the cargo was damaged by yo

It’s()that the cargo was damaged by your stevedores.AbrightBdistinctCplainDevident

2、He was accepted by the gentleman becau

He was accepted by the gentleman becauseAhe had many lettersBhe didn’t have a single recommendationChe spoke quietlyDhe behaved well

3、IPv6 was developed by the ( ) to deal

IPv6 was developed by the ( ) to deal with the long-anticipated problem of IPv4 adderss exhaustion.AISO BIEEE CITU DIETF

4、Damage()the goods was caused by heavy

Damage()the goods was caused by heavy rain during transit.AofBforConDto

5、In 1896()took over and the country was

In 1896()took over and the country was ruled under Sir Wilfrid Laurier.Athe Conservative PartyBthe Liberal PartyCthe Labor Party Dthe New Democratic Party

6、The country was torn apart by strife.

The country was torn apart by strife.ApovertyBconflictCwarDeconomy