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A block and tackle is rove to advantag

A block and tackle is rove to advantage. This means that the().

  • Ablocks have been overhauled
  • Bhauling parts of two tackles are attached
  • Chauling part leads through the movable block
  • Dhauling part leads through the standing block

1、A snatch block is a().

A snatch block is a().Ablock used only with manila ropeBchock rollerChinged blockDstrong block used for short,sharp pull

2、A cache has 64 blocks; each block is 1

A cache has 64 blocks; each block is 16 bytes.Which block does byte 1200 map to ?A25B60C75D100

3、A-frames and cylinder block is held to

A-frames and cylinder block is held together by () to form a rigid structure.Aconnecting rodsBpiston rodsCtie rodsDjack-bolt

4、A thrust block is designed to().

A thrust block is designed to().Aabsorb the shock of wave pressure at the bowBbe placed between the engines and the foundation to absorb the...

5、●A (73) is a named memory block. By us

●A (73) is a named memory block. By using its name, we can refer to the data stored in the memory block.A(73)wordBrecordCprogramDvariable

6、A tackle is “two blocked” when the blo

A tackle is “two blocked” when the blocks are().Aequally sharing the loadBjammed togetherCas far apart as possibleDrove to the highest mechanical advantage