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If by any chance someone comes to see

If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask the person to leave a()

  • Amessage
  • Bletter
  • Csentence
  • Dnotice

1、A person who sees someone fall overboa

A person who sees someone fall overboard should().Aimmediately jump into the water to assist the individualBcall for help and keep the individual in sightCrun to the radio room to send an emergency messageDgo to the bridge for the distress flare

2、A list man would expect to see any of

A list man would expect to see any of the following light signals except ().Atwo red lightsBone green lightCone white lightDone amber light

3、If you see someone fall overboard from

If you see someone fall overboard from a ship,you should().Aimmediately jump in the water to help the individualBcall for help and keep the...

4、If you want to visit someone in Englan

If you want to visit someone in England, youd better make arrangement()AintimeBinturnCinadvanceDindetail

5、If in any doubt as to the pilot’s acti

If in any doubt as to the pilot’s actions or intentions,the officer in charge of the navigational watch shall().Anotify the master immediate...

6、Any action to avoid collision shall,if

Any action to avoid collision shall,if the circumstances of the case admit,(),made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good seamanship.Abe initiativeBbe positiveCbe negativeDbe positively