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回答下面的题目: Exercise Being Good or BadCan exercise be a bad thing? Sudden death during or soon after strenuous exertion on the squash court or on the army training grounds, is not unheard of. 51 trained marathon runners are not immune to fatal heart attacks. But no one knows just 52 common these sudden deaths linked to exercise are. The registration andinvestigation of such 53 is very patchy; only a national survey could determine the true 54 of sudden deaths in sports. But the climate of medical opinion is shifting in 55 of exercise, for the person recovering from a heart attack as 56 as the average lazy individual. Training can help the victim of a heart attack bylowering the 57 of oxygen the heart needs at any given level of work 58 the patient can do more before reaching the point where chest pains indicate a heart starved of oxygen. The question is, should middle-aged people, 59 .particular, be screened for signs of heart disease before 60 vigorous exercise?Most cases of sudden death in sport are caused by lethal arrhythmias in the beating of the heart, often in people 61 undiagnosed coronary heart disease. In North America 62 over 35 is advised to have a physical check-up and even an exercise electrocardiogram. The British, on the whole, think all this testing isunnecessary. Not many people die from exercise, 63 , and ECGs ( 心电图 ) are notoriously inaccurate. However, two medical cardiologists at the Victoria Infirmary in Glasgow, advocate screening by exercise ECG for people over 40, or younger people 64 at risk of developing coronary heart disease. Individuals showing a particular abnormality in their ECGs 65 , they say, a 10 to 20 times greater risk of subsequently developing signs of coronary heart disease, or of sudden death.第51题应选:
  • Afavor
  • Bpositive
  • Cinclination
  • Dindication

【解析】句意为:__________锻炼的意见正在转变。四个选项:favor“有利于”,短语in favor of“赞同,有利于”;positive“积极的”;inclination“爱好,意向,倾向”;indication“表明,迹象,象征”。



第58题应选: 回答下面的题目:Exercise Being Good or BadCan exercise be a bad thing? Sudden death during or soon after strenuous exe...

2、根据上文,回答第 90~91 题。55岁,男性,诊断冠心病,急性心梗,突感头

根据上文,回答第 90~91 题。55岁,男性,诊断冠心病,急性心梗,突感头晕心悸胸闷,BP90/60mmHg,心率110次/分,节律不是绝对匀齐,心尖部第一心音强弱不等,ECG:房率慢于...

3、第 55 题 下列关于可转换公司债券期限的说法中,正确的是(  )。

第 55 题 下列关于可转换公司债券期限的说法中,正确的是(  )。A最短期限为1年,最长期限为6年B最短期限为2年,最长期限为6年C最短期限为2年,最长期限为5年D最短期限为3...


第62题应选: 回答下面的题目:UndergrOund Coal Fires Coal burning deep underground in China, India and Indonesia is threatening the env...

5、根据材料,回答第 51~55 题:

根据材料,回答第 51~55 题:A某市环保局应当地居民的举报对排放烟尘超过国家规定指标的某化工厂作出了罚款4万元的行政处罚,并责令其限期改正。化工厂对环保局的行政处罚决...


第65题应选: 回答下面的题目:Exercise Being Good or BadCan exercise be a bad thing? Sudden death during or soon after strenuous exe...