目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

25.The passage is about________

25.The passage is about________

  • A sports
  • B food
  • C sleep
  • D drink



1、The passage is mainly about__________

The passage is mainly about__________Aan art museum called the LouvreBan Italian artist named Leonardo da VinciCa king of France named Francis IDthe best—known painting in the Louvre

2、This passage is mainly about______.

This passage is mainly about______.A how Louis Pasteurs friend diedB Louis Pasteurs experience and achievement in curing rabiesC how Louis Pasteurs arm and leg were disabledD Louis Pasteur cured a boy who had been badly bitten by a mad dog

3、The best title for the passage is ____

The best title for the passage is _____.A[A] Education and ProgressB[B] Old and New Social NormsC[C] New Education: Opportunities for MoreD[D] Demerits of Hierarchical Society

4、The main idea of this passage is______

The main idea of this passage is______.A ones color preference shows ones characterB you can brighten your life with wonderful colorsC psycholog...

5、The passage is mainly about______.

The passage is mainly about______.A how individuals can help make a differenceB running a neighborhood meeting to solve its problemsC citizens reactions to the problems they faceD solving problems through group action

6、The passage is intended to ___________

The passage is intended to _____________A warn us of the danger in the subwayB show US how to save people in the subwayC tell US about a subway rescueD report a traffic accident