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I regret______________the novel to Ji

I regret______________the novel to Jim because he made it very dirty.

  • Ato lend                            
  • Bhaving lent   
  • Cto be lending                      
  • Dlent

【答案】B【译文】我后悔把这本小说借给了吉姆,因为他把书弄脏了。  【考点】固定搭配 【解析】regret后面既可以接不定式,又可以跟动名词,前者指“对尚未做,或正在做的事情的遗憾”,后者指  “对过去做过的事情的遗憾”。根据句意,故选B。


1、Either he or I ______to the airport.

Either he or I ______to the airport.A is to goB are to goC am to goD is going

2、I have to see the doctor because I ___

I have to see the doctor because I ______ a lot lately.A have been coughingB had coughedC coughedD cough

3、She regretted paying ______ for the ca

She regretted paying ______ for the camera.A twice as muchB as twice muchC much as twiceD as much twice

4、I _______her to give up taking the med

I _______her to give up taking the medicine but she refused.A advisedB suggestedC persuadedD hoped

5、I like going to the cinema____TV.

I like going to the cinema____TV.Arather than to watchBthan watchingCmore than to watchDmore than watching

6、I can ______you to the supermarket in

I can ______you to the supermarket in my car.A sendB pickC rideD take